Free Tour Stavanger


FREE TOUR of  Stavanger City 

 Welcome to Stavanger!

My name is Silje Isabel and I am very interested in practicing languages and sharing the culture of my country and my city. I’m not a qualified guide as I don’t have license, but since I grew up here I have a lot of knowledge about the region.


Come join me and discover the secrets of Stavanger with the Free Tour of Stavanger city. The Free Tour starts at Stavanger Cathedral and ends in the charming Old city of Stavanger. Please sign up at the bottom of this page or send me a message through the Facebook page. I promise it will be exciting!



1 hour and 30 minutes



Look for the guide with a green sign.


  • Stavanger Cathedral
  • Arneageren
  • Fargegata
  • Valbergtårnet
  • The Geopark
  • Vågen
  • & The old city



The Free Tour of Stavanger City starts on time every day at 10.00 AM from the 24th of May to the 1st of September. 

 * The guided tour is based on donations and will only take place if there are at least 4 participants. 

** The Free Tour is available in English or Spanish.

***Free tours Stavanger are aimed at individual visitors. Groups of 10 or more should book a private tour and are subject to a 5 € or 50 kr per person charge.

Have a nice day 🙂

Vil du lære deg spansk? Do you want to learn Spanish or Norwegian?

Vil du lære deg spansk?  Do you want to learn Spanish or Norwegian?


Mitt navn er Silje Isabel og jeg tilbyr privattimer enten du trenger hjelp til å bestå spansk på ungdomsskolen, videregående eller bare ønsker å lære litt før en tur til Spania. Eller kanskje du kjenner noen som trenger det.

Jeg er spansklærer med utdanning fra blant annet Universitetet i Valencia, Spania og Høgskolen i Østfold.

Vennligst ta kontakt på eller 41202862 for mer informasjon.

Prisen er 350 kr per time per person.

Med vennlig hilsen

Silje Isabel Porturas


My name is Silje Isabel and I offer private lessons in Norwegian and/or Spanish. I’m educated as a Spanish teacher from Høgskolen i Østfold and the University of Valencia.

Please contact me at: or 41202862 for more information.

The price is 350 kr per hour per person.

Best regards,

Silje Isabel Porturas

Suffering with your self

I randomly watched this somewhat cheesy American TV show Dr. Phil, and there was this anorexic girl on it and she was starving herself to death. After coping with a heavy depression and suicide attempts I know that what you’re feeling is often portrayed though other channels such as eating disorders, self-harm or just loosing control of your body. It was quite hard the intervention they had with the girl, but sometimes that’s what you need. I had it with myself, I was so sick and tired of the life I had it was either die or continue on an unknown path. I chose the last one. It was hard and it’s not something you can fix in an instant, but you can’t live on a diagnosis you have to continue without it and not define yourself as it. It’s easy to avoid reality when you have a disorder, but it’s not worth it and you’ll never become whole doing so.  I did so many things when I was a kid, I starved myself (I tried to be bulimic, but I was bad at it as I couldn’t force myself to throw up) I self-injured myself by cutting my arms sometimes legs, I ran away planning on living in the woods; I had lots of weird solutions to my “problem”. The problem was that I thought I was a bad person. My grandmother says bad things happen to bad people, so I believed it and blamed myself. But you reach a point where it’s make it or break it, and I made it. I realized that I had some people who believed in me and had my back, and they held me up while others tried to break me down. I’m not going to list the people that made my life miserable because I’m over it; I’ve cut them out of my life. Sometimes you’ve got to be harsh and kick out the bad (by not giving them a 100th chance) and let new people into your life.

The past semester

I’ve tried to summarise the past semester, but I can’t because too many things happened. It’s been a rollercoaster of feelings from very sad to extremely happy. Finding out I’ve got a baby brother and that my father got married was hard to deal with for a while, but I got over it, and then I found out my older brother got married too without telling anybody, I got over that too. I was with these pot smoking LSD people, but I turned my back on them as I’m against using drugs. I can’t think of anything stupider as using pot to lose weight. Anyways, I’ve had a lot to deal with, but in that chaos of feelings and ruining some acquaintances I found the best friends possible. All of them are so down to earth, funny, thoughtful, smart and open. There were no lies with them. I as a person usually look at the negative side of things to protect myself from disappointment, but now I feel my view has changed. You need to follow your gut instinct and don’t use time with wasted people. Focusing more on the people I really like was the best decision I could ever make and I found amazing people.

So to my amazing people, I hope I can meet you someday soon:)