Scarves in baby alpaca and silk

Finally the scarves in baby alpaca and silk have arrived! 😀

I’m working with a Fair trade company in Peru called Aptec. They’ve handwoven the scarves that come in natural white, light and dark gray.

I’m going to sell them at the summer market at Tou Scene in Stavanger Sunday the 12th. Hopefully a lot of people will come and see what good quality this is!

It’s 700 kr (nok) per scarf. If anybody wishes to order you can send me an e-mail at I gladly ship the scarves to your destination 🙂

Have a merry day! ❤

På norsk:

Endelig har sjalene i babyalpakka og silke kommet!! 😀
De er håndvevde av vevere ansatt av Fair trade -bedriften Aptec i Peru 🙂
Jeg kommer til å selge de på sommermarkedet på Tou Scene neste søndag 🙂
Det er 700kr per sjal. Hvis noen ønsker å bestille kan dere kontakte meg via e-post:

Gode hilsner fra meg 🙂

Silje Isabel, an ethical brand

Sustainable Fashion

Silje Isabel, an ethical brand

Silje Isabel is a new environmentally friendly clothing brand with production in Norway and Peru. I use exclusive materials such as organic cotton and alpaca wool in the garments.


The cotton is 100% organic and grown in Peru. Colors are either natural cotton colors like off-white, coffee and avocado or GOTS certified. Since it has not been used artificial colorings, the garments in natural colors will be good for people who suffer from allergies caused by chemicals used for dyeing clothes. I also collaborate with a Fair Trade company in Peru called Aptec, they employ women in impoverished areas and learn them how to knit. This helps them generate an income in regions where it’s hard to find work.


Please visit my website to see more of the clothes:

or press like on my Facebook page:



Free Tour Stavanger


FREE TOUR of  Stavanger City 

 Welcome to Stavanger!

My name is Silje Isabel and I am very interested in practicing languages and sharing the culture of my country and my city. I’m not a qualified guide as I don’t have license, but since I grew up here I have a lot of knowledge about the region.


Come join me and discover the secrets of Stavanger with the Free Tour of Stavanger city. The Free Tour starts at Stavanger Cathedral and ends in the charming Old city of Stavanger. Please sign up at the bottom of this page or send me a message through the Facebook page. I promise it will be exciting!



1 hour and 30 minutes



Look for the guide with a green sign.


  • Stavanger Cathedral
  • Arneageren
  • Fargegata
  • Valbergtårnet
  • The Geopark
  • Vågen
  • & The old city



The Free Tour of Stavanger City starts on time every day at 10.00 AM from the 24th of May to the 1st of September. 

 * The guided tour is based on donations and will only take place if there are at least 4 participants. 

** The Free Tour is available in English or Spanish.

***Free tours Stavanger are aimed at individual visitors. Groups of 10 or more should book a private tour and are subject to a 5 € or 50 kr per person charge.

Have a nice day 🙂

Suffering with your self

I randomly watched this somewhat cheesy American TV show Dr. Phil, and there was this anorexic girl on it and she was starving herself to death. After coping with a heavy depression and suicide attempts I know that what you’re feeling is often portrayed though other channels such as eating disorders, self-harm or just loosing control of your body. It was quite hard the intervention they had with the girl, but sometimes that’s what you need. I had it with myself, I was so sick and tired of the life I had it was either die or continue on an unknown path. I chose the last one. It was hard and it’s not something you can fix in an instant, but you can’t live on a diagnosis you have to continue without it and not define yourself as it. It’s easy to avoid reality when you have a disorder, but it’s not worth it and you’ll never become whole doing so.  I did so many things when I was a kid, I starved myself (I tried to be bulimic, but I was bad at it as I couldn’t force myself to throw up) I self-injured myself by cutting my arms sometimes legs, I ran away planning on living in the woods; I had lots of weird solutions to my “problem”. The problem was that I thought I was a bad person. My grandmother says bad things happen to bad people, so I believed it and blamed myself. But you reach a point where it’s make it or break it, and I made it. I realized that I had some people who believed in me and had my back, and they held me up while others tried to break me down. I’m not going to list the people that made my life miserable because I’m over it; I’ve cut them out of my life. Sometimes you’ve got to be harsh and kick out the bad (by not giving them a 100th chance) and let new people into your life.

The past semester

I’ve tried to summarise the past semester, but I can’t because too many things happened. It’s been a rollercoaster of feelings from very sad to extremely happy. Finding out I’ve got a baby brother and that my father got married was hard to deal with for a while, but I got over it, and then I found out my older brother got married too without telling anybody, I got over that too. I was with these pot smoking LSD people, but I turned my back on them as I’m against using drugs. I can’t think of anything stupider as using pot to lose weight. Anyways, I’ve had a lot to deal with, but in that chaos of feelings and ruining some acquaintances I found the best friends possible. All of them are so down to earth, funny, thoughtful, smart and open. There were no lies with them. I as a person usually look at the negative side of things to protect myself from disappointment, but now I feel my view has changed. You need to follow your gut instinct and don’t use time with wasted people. Focusing more on the people I really like was the best decision I could ever make and I found amazing people.

So to my amazing people, I hope I can meet you someday soon:)

Easter part 2

After my stay in Sevilla I went to Malaga with my Japanese friend. I stayed in Malaga one month in October November, so that’s how we met and she also stayed at my flat during Las Fallas. We saw the procession there too.

I wanted to see Alhambra and get new memories of it, not those of a horrible trip with my father. I went there alone because me friend had already been there three times. It was very nice, I needed to see some nature again, so I walked around and smelled the flowers. After my short stay in Malaga I went to Barcelona to meet my mother. I came early and got time before some friends were arriving.  My mother got there the next day so we ate dinner together after tying to buy tickets to the Barca game. It would have been cool to see.

With my mother we saw La Sagrada familia, which I saw three years ago so it was almost as i remembered it. We visited Parc Güell and Las ramblas and the Gaudí houses. When we arrived in Valencia we were both really tired. But we managed a little shopping trip and La ciudad de las artes. She really wanted to see the university so we did and took some funny pictures. And I wanted her to see the beach and try the Valencian paella.

When I met her at the airport I started crying I was sad and happy at the same time, and I ended up laughing butt he tears didn’t stop. It was weird. I didn’t cry when he left, but I was quite sad. I always leave her and I feel bad that I don’t study my whole bachelor in Norway. I constantly seek outwards and don’t feel comfortable there. But I’m giving it another go only a different university and city this time, maybe it’ll get better….



I’ve now been a bit over a month in Valencia. It’s a beautiful city. It took me 2 weeks to get all of my classes’ sorted, Spanish people aren’t exactly known for efficiency. But now everything’s settled. I’ve got five classes: Spanish theatre, lexicography, Spanish grammar, Image analysis and Roman history.

They’ve got something called Valenbici here; you pay 18 Euros for a year and can use the Valenbici (which is a bike). There are stations all over the city, its great, except I’m like shit scared. I saw a guy get hit passing a pedestrian crossing. Here in Valencia the yellow light lasts almost longer then the red. Yellow here means you can cross it; you just have to «watch out» for pedestrians. And some don’t, they’d rather almost run you over. In Peru I was used to run over the street because there they don’t have crossings, but the Spanish are just as bad. And the other day I saw a bus crash into a car in a roundabout.

I really like it here, but I’m still thinking about the next place I want to live or go to. I think I’ll never be satisfied. I feel I’ve got an inner conflict going on because a part of me would like to slow down and live a place more than 6 months, which has been the maximum throughout 3 years now. I think I have to tranquilizarme un poquito (calm down a bit). I’m still fucking 21 and most people here are older than me, well people from northern Europe. But it’s also the pressure of figuring out what to do with my life. I’ve done one year and a half of such a mixture of studies, but now I’ve landed on two things: architecture or art. My heart lies within the arts, but I’m still a bit scared of going such an uncertain road. I’ve told people that when I’ve finished my art-bachelor I would like to become an engineer, a petroleum geologist. They can’t really believe I would want to do something that different, but I’ve got two years to see If I want to do it or not, or maybe I’ll try architecture.

As this has become a bit of a travel piece I strongly recommend coming to Valencia!


Finding someone special

I’ve done something I didn’t think I would ever do. Well, I did it out of curiosity. I made a profile on a dating site. I was quite surprised that so many men contacted me. Many of them wrote on their profile that they’re shy, and I figured that it’s hard for them to make the first move. You also got some freaky pervert-people. A 62-year-old man contacted me, and I immediately blocked him. There are some risks, but also a lot to gain. I personally am quite tired of the whole going out thing, with drunk guys hitting on you, trying to hump your leg. Most of the girls I talked to about this subject tell me that they first sleep with a guy then maybe find them on Facebook, add them, chat with them, and then get their phone number so they can meet again. It’s a very long process. People decide for themselves what they want, but I like to do things differently. I’d rather have my integrity intact. I am very direct, some guys like it and others get frightened and feel intimidated. The last part saddens me a bit, because girls should be able to ask a guy out face to face. But it’s their loss, not mine.

My two best friends found each other on the Internet, and they’re very happy together. I don’t know why going online to find someone is still taboo. But I know many use it as a last resort. I must admit I’ve always been a bit sceptical, but I wont just sit on my ass waiting for Prince Charming to come along.

I saw this very funny movie some days ago, its called “What’s your number?”  You see the protagonist going through her exes trying to find her true love, yes that part is a cliché.  In the end she finds out that being in love means being yourself. I think that’s kind of true. A lot of people try to be perfect, something they’re not. You can’t really be anything but you, with the good and the bad. Either they like it or they don’t.

My New Year’s Resolutions

This Year 2011 has gone by very quickly and very slowly at the same time. The restlessness I’ve had has gotten bigger and bigger, diminished and then risen again. It’s made me very frustrated.  Most of my friends seem to have a sense of belonging, and I’ve been so jealous because I don’t feel that way anywhere. After high school I was so happy that I was free at last, I could finally leave everything behind and start a new life the way I wanted. But to se my friends committing and seeming so content here in Norway baffles me. My question is why? Is it because they’re born here, or is it their families? Maybe I will never understand because I don’t have their kind of family, it’s just my sister, my mother and me. And now I’ve got a stepfather, which is terrific by the way.

The place I’ve stayed the longest was Bergen, almost 6 months, and it made me break down many times. I just didn’t feel at home. The people I hung out with were mostly foreign people, and I lived through them telling me about their countries. I wanted to go so bad, but I had to finish my dreadful theatre science-course.  Nothing really seemed to go my way. The university with their bureaucracy made me end up in my hometown, taking a leave of absence one semester. I went to Spain one month, it was great but I never want to live in Malaga (as I had thought).  In 2012 I will spend one semester in Valencia, I hope it’s a better city. I need to get away again.  I’m used to being a lonesome traveller. I’ve never had anybody fix things for me so I’m used to taking care of things myself. It’s made me very independent, maybe too independent for some.  But I do wish I can find somebody who will accept me for me, and not try to change me.

My new year’s resolutions are:

To not care about what other people think of me or of my life decisions.

To not be so frustrated and restless, like I’ve got little time.

To work together with my little family, and make life as good as possible.